Sunday 13 September 2015

Unit of Inquiry: Human Migration Involves Challenges, Risks and Possibly Opportunities

We launched into our Unit of Inquiry with a provocation to get us wondering about issues related to migration.  

We were sat in a confined area outside our classroom and needed to complete 'immigration forms' and learn to count to 10 in Japanese in order to enter the comforts of our classroom, but only the first 10 would be allowed to enter.

To see our reflections on the experience, please click on the link:

Our Unit of Inquiry explores the central idea:

      Human migration involves challenges, risks and possibly opportunities.

Our Lines of Inquiry (areas we will explore to help deepen our understandings of our central idea) came primarily from the wonderings children had from our provocation and another lead in activity viewing different images related to migration.

Our Lines of Inquiry are:

° CAUSATION:  Reasons people migrate

° FUNCTION:   How migration works

° CAUSATION: Why there are challenges and risks with migration

° RESPONSIBILITY: Types of action we can take

We will be enquiring into our central idea as whole class for the first two weeks and then children will be given the opportunity to explore an area of migration they have a connection or particular interest in within small groups for the remaining two weeks. 

These group enquiries will be shared with you upon completion. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Graeme,

    I am teaching year 6 for the first time along with teaching a Migration unit for the first time. I love this activity and would like to ask you more information about how you structured your unit if possible. Could you email me please?

    Kind regards,
