Thursday 17 September 2015

Causation: Reasons People Migrate

Central Idea:   Human migration involves challenges, risks and possibly 

One of our key questions we decided we wanted to find out was:

            Causation:  Reasons people migrate

To help with our investigation, we were given a list of items and asked to sort them into any groups we could.

Most of us sorted those items into 'things we need' and 'things we want'

We wondered then what things might people migrate for and in our groups we discussed how we could order some of the items from the most to least important reasons to migrate.

(Ranking by Tim, Ayana, Adam & Nadia)

We shared and discussed our differing opinions. 

Today, we brainstormed different reasons why someone might want to immigrate to Switzerland.

We then sorted those reasons into two categories:

° Push factors of migration (What makes someone leave a place)
° Pull factors of migration (What attracts someone to a place)

(Ideas by Julia, Chiara, Neha  & Pavi)

After discussing these ideas, in different groups we had 10 minutes to draw and explain as many different push and pull factors we could think of and shared our ideas with our class. 

We will be expanding upon these early understandings in the next few days.....

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