Saturday 26 September 2015

Rounding Numbers Using place Value

After examining our central idea and lines of equiry, we did a quick 10 minute pre-assessment to find out what we already know about the lines of enquiry. 

We shared our understandings as a whole class discussion with more of  a focus on ways we use the rounding strategy in our daily lives so that we all gained a sense of the reason we should enquire into the strategy. 

Once children know there is a practical purpose to learning something in maths, their engagement increases a lot. 

Some samples:

Based upon some of the ideas some had of how we use the rounding strategy in our daily lives, I created a google doc activity that showed different ways we use rounding. To help connect, I used student names and everything based from Lausanne. 

The Google doc questions:

Connection:  Ways we can use the rounding strategy in our
daily lives.

             Neha kept a log of how much reading she did at home each night.


             She wanted to find out whether she read more in week 1 or week 2.

             Use the rounding strategy to find out.

   Week 1
Rounded to the nearest 10
Sun -  37 min
Mon - 42 min
Tue -  57 min
Wed - 31 min
Thur - 45 min
Fri -    26 min
Sat -   35 min

                                Total estimated reading time in week 1: _____
                                      (Add the estimates on scrap paper)

   Week 2
Rounded to the nearest 10
Sun -  36 min
Mon - 29 min
Tue -  45 min
Wed - 42 min
Thur - 38 min
Fri -    54 min
Sat -   46 min

                                Total estimated reading time in week 2: _____
                                     (Add the estimates on scrap paper)

                        Had Neha read more in week 1 or week 2? = _____


                              Carl owned a free-range egg farm.

                              Free-range chickens do NOT live in cages so they are
                              much better to buy!!!!


He wanted to find out whether his chickens laid eggs more in summer months or winter months.

Use the rounding strategy to find out.

Exact Number of Eggs Laid
Rounded to nearest 100
 1 789

  2 540

  2 098

                       Total estimated number of eggs laid in winter: _______
                               (Add the estimates on scrap paper)

Exact Number of Eggs Laid
Rounded to nearest 100
 1 450

  2 320

  2 345

                Total estimated number of eggs laid in summer: _______
                          (Add the estimates on scrap paper)

    Did his chickens lay more eggs in winter or summer months? = _______


                     Look at the populations of these European countries in 2015.

                     Round the populations to the nearest million.

Population   (2015)
Rounded to nearest million
    8 265 000

  81 276 000

United Kingdom
  65 081 276

  46 355 000

    5 673 000

    8 608 000


               Approximately how far is it from Lausanne to………….?

               Use the rounding strategy.

From Lausanne to…...
Exact Distance
Approximate Distance
(Round to nearest 100)

       518.1 km


       841. 8 km


     1 035.6 km


     1 231 . 6 km


         Lewis is at Migros and wants to buy 4 Toblerones.


     One Toblerone costs 2.46 CHF.

     Approximately, how much money does Lewis need to buy them?

    = _____


        Round these flights times to the nearest hour.

        Eg,    23 hr 30 min  =    20 hours

Flight from Geneva to…...
Exact Flight Time
Approximate Flight Time
(Rounded to nearest hour)

        13 hr 40 min

    (not including stop-overs)


         21 hr 20 min

    (not including stop-overs)

New Delhi

       9 hr 10 min

   (not including stop-overs)


       9 hr 44 min

   (not including stop-overs)


Round these prices to the nearest whole franc

Eg,    14 . 55 CHF  =  15 CHF

CHF 26 . 45

Rounded to:

CHF 86 . 70

Rounded to:

CHF 6 . 50

Rounded to:

CHF 124 . 50

Rounded to:

CHF 16. 50

Rounded to:

  CHF 164. 70

Rounded to:

As we do our enquiries, the children are encouraged to record what they have learnt during their learning time.  Sometimes, if they are too absorbed in the activities, I give them 5 or 10 minutes at the end to reflect.  We regularly discuss the importance of reflecting and how it helps to deepen our understanding.
A beginning example:

This is the feedback they will receive at the end of their enquiries using PYP Learner Profile attributes & attitudes:


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