Wednesday 20 April 2016

Maths Unit: Volume and Capacity

In maths, we have started our new unit exploring the measurement of volume and capacity.

Our central idea is:

We can use different units and strategies to measure the volume and capacity of objects. 

Ask your child to explain what the difference is!

Some of our wonderings so far we are thinking about:

Coming up with creative ways to create a cubic centimetre out of blutack:

Layane suggested we should see how many of us could fit inside a cubic metre:

We needed to collaborate and test our different strategies:

Ryu, Neha and Ayana investigated how many cubic cm equals 1 cubic metre:

They then chose to take their enquiry further by finding out how many cubic mm in a cubic cm AND cubic metre!

But, they didn't stop there.  They took their wonderings even further investigating cubic nano-centimetres and cubic micro-centimetres!!!

We are still wondering if air has volume or not:

We will be sharing with you our reflections of what we learnt and enquired into at the end of our unit. 

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