Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Emotion Simile Poems- Can you infer the emotions we wrote about?

Continuing with our literacy unit exploring poetry, we have been writing emotion poems using a set structure.

We thought it would be interesting to see if you could infer what emotions our poems are trying to convey.

To create these poems, we need to select an emotion and then needed to think:

° what colour that emotion is

° What would it taste like

° what it smells like

° what looks like

° what it sounds like

° what it feels like

If you have a gmail account, you have access to adding your guesses using the comment box. (I'm not entirely sure if you have to have a gmail account or not actually)

We are looking forward to seeing what you think and will reveal the emotions to you all on Friday.

Happy reading:

Our Emotion Poems

The following link shows are inferring discussions:

Our Emotion Poems

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