Wednesday 16 March 2016

Student-Led Conferences

Dear Parents of 6A,

Please refer to the information below from Mr Twigg regarding our Student-Led Conferences.

Student Led-Conferences

The Primary School student-led conferences are scheduled for Thursday 14th April 2016.  During these conferences, the students take the lead role to share their learning and progress with their families. The conference format may vary depending on the age of the children but, throughout the school, the students will have an opportunity to demonstrate their learning in all aspects of their school life in a variety of ways.

The online link for parents to book appointments will be activated this Thursday 17th March 2016, from 12.00, and will be published on the website under

There will be no babysitting service available during the student led-conferences. Also, please note that, unless otherwise instructed by an individual club leader, all ASA clubs are cancelled on that day.

Parents are greatly encouraged to visit all the learning environments in our school. There will be year level activities in all specialist classrooms: Music, French and PE, so ask your children to take you there. Students may only go to the Sports Hall when accompanied by their parents.

Note: This is a NO-SCHOOL day, students will attend the conferences with their parents and will then go home.

We look forward to seeing all our families participating in this very special day.

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