Tuesday 1 March 2016

Unit of Inquiry: How the World Works

We are just beginning our new Unit of Inquiry under the transdisciplinary theme: How the World Works

Our central idea we will be enquiring into is:

Scientific knowledge is always expanding and impacting our lives.

In our unit we will be exploring scientific theories, laws and discoveries-those with both positive and negative impacts on our lives.

We will be exploring how scientific evidence is accepted in the scientific community and instead of being given the tired 'scientific method' which many scientists today now perceive to harper great scientific discoveries from happening, we will creating our own methods of creating scientific methods. 

Our unit also explores the different branches of science and the hows and whys of scientific knowledge.

Towards the end of our unit, the children will take even more ownership of their learning by choosing a branch of science to enquire into that connects with our central idea.  For example, last year a group of children tweaked our central idea to enquire into:  'The study of astronomy is always expanding and impacting our lives'. 

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