Saturday 17 October 2015

Personal Enquiries

Central Idea: We can discover and share conceptual understandings in a variety of ways.

With our personal enquiries, we are exploring and reflecting on different ways we can creatively and effectively share our understanding.

This is also helping to reinforce our enquiry into the learning pyramid (below) which taught us how we best retain information and can deepen our understandings by teaching others what we have learnt. 

Here are some of our creative ideas for sharing thus far:

Julia and Chiara created an innovative quiz game to help teach others about their findings about what is happening with marine life:

Lewis created a modern fighter plane to help teach the differences in their structure with those used during WWII which he enquired into:

Ayana created a game to help teach about animal testing. 'Animals' needed to run to the safety of a an animal welfare organisation without being caught by scientists.  Quiz questions aimed to teach about found facts about animal testing were also used:

Kayla had made a collage of an Egyptian pyramid to help teach what she had learnt about them:

Pavi had made an interactive display using magnets and a quiz card matching game to help teach what she had learnt about marine food chains and penguins:

Neha had created an IT resource, board game and hunt to help teach what she had learnt about species extinctions since the time of the dinosaurs:

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