Friday 9 October 2015

Our Appreciation Messages we are Sending to the Medair Volunteers

Dear Medair Volunteers,

Thank you for coming to teach us about refugees in our migration unit. We would like to tell you a little bit about what we learned from the experience and thank you for coming.

Thank you so much for coming! It a very special and different day! It really would have felt like if we had limited money if some people hadn't brought like 500$ casually. It was good that it rained, so we could get the full experience.

Thank you so much for your time.

Sincerely, Tim
From Ayana:

Dear Medair Volunteers,

You were so generous to come to ISL and teach us about refugees for our migration unit!

I appreciate that you took your time and effort to create a simulation project to help us learn. It was such a good idea, and I enjoyed doing it with a family. It was very thoughtful that you gave up your Wednesday for us even though you could have gone to work.

The experience taught me a lot about collaboration and what refugees have to go through. Before, I did not know what it actually felt like waiting for hours, days, weeks, just to get to the next step.

Once again thank you so much for coming, and we learned a lot from you!

                                                                           Ayana =)
From Nadia:
Thank you! You have been so kind and selfless to  give up your Wednesday for us! I really appreciate how you took all your time to help us at ISL, and I loved learning all about how it feels like to be a refugee by actually being a refugee, and I think it is very thoughtful of you to come to our school and teach us about migration, refugees, and collaboration. Thank you so much!

Nadia :)
From Jules:

I have learnt lots of things i really liked  the way that you have  organised this what i have learnt is that i know how refugees feel like when they have to migrate also we had to  walk around the football pitch and was pretty long so i wonder how it is to walk as long as the refugees?

Thank’s for all the volunteers !
Dear Medair Volunteers,

I really appreciate that you came here and helped us organize our refugee Unit   

From Diego
From Layane:

Dear MedAir volunteers,

Thank you very much for this organisation you made for us to be able to understand the life of a refugee. I found it fun but hard to be a refugee. Thank you to have let us make our shelters, it made me feel like a reel refugee living in a temporary house. Again, thank you very much for everything you did, bye.

Layane ;)
From Neha:

Dear MedAir Volunteers,

Thank you very much for coming to our school. It was very kind of you. I wanted to tell you thank you because you sacrificed your time for helping us learn. I really learnt that  refugees had to do a hard job to be safe and healthy. It also made me feel like a refugee in the temporary house. I really enjoyed the day.

From Neha
From Kayla:

Dear Medair volunteers,

I would like to thank all the people that kindly volunteered to help me and my year level gain a deeper understanding on a refugee's life.  

In addition, I would like to tell you how much i learned from this experience. I learnt lots more collaborating skills, lots more communicating skills, i learnt how hard it is to live a life as a refugee and how to build great shelters/cubby houses!

From Pavi:
Dear Medair Volunteers,
I think, it was very kind of the volunteers who came ,to help us learn. I want to say thank you because you sacrificed your time to come to ISL for the whole day and help with our refugee simulation. The simulation was interesting and fun because we actually felt what a refugee family will feel on a journey, only they will feel worse. We used skills like collaborative skills, communicative skills etc. This experience has been exciting and interesting.
From: Carl
Dear MedAir,
I thought it was really great that you gave up your own work time to help us learn about refugees around the world. I think you did a great job and that it felt very realistic with all the things we had to get for example medical check, lunch coupon, the store and the place where we sold things. I also learnt all the feelings that you go through as a refugee. And it was just a great day.
From Lewis:

Dear Medair volunteers:

I learnt that being a refugee is VERY hard because they stay with a family that probably they don’t know very well or doing all those forms for 1 thing.

In addition,I learnt that you have to not eat for about a day and we  had to buy food with only 190 CHF was hard to earn more money or do all those things and only get a quarter of the land because we could only afford that much but on the  bright side we learnt that life is unfair and that yelling is NEVER the answer and also learnt a lot about collaboration which was very good for year 6.

Furthermore,having to run 5 laps to get 50 or 100 chfs helped because we needed the money so we could get the passport or to get the medical checks or to get all the forms done and stay patient in the line was hard but we made it.
Likewise,it was hard to find something that we could sell was hard because it was all things that was ours and it was hard to give it in.  
From Sophie-Marie:

Thank You Medair Volunteers that you came to us to teach us how it is to be a refugee.

I learned that if you are a refugee your life is very unfair, due to the supermarket womens made very high prices or the real estate brokers said:“Run three laps and you get a house.”

In addition, you only had about 200 CHF  for the day, that means to buy food, medicine, blankets or tates.
From Chiara :
Dear Medair volunteers,

I thought it was really nice that you gave your own time up to help us learn about how migration works. I learned that refugees don’t have an easy time migrating because they have to worry about food if they have enough or water because they don’t get money like that, they have to sell stuff like their jewelry and precious stuff that mean a lot to them just to get a bit of money to buy food to eat, medicine and water.

Additionally I learned that refugees have to HOPE that they make it because this is what I think if you say something is impossible over and over again it will be impossible but, if you say it’s possible and believe in it, it will be possible at least that's what I think and for me it works.

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