Wednesday 3 February 2016

ISA & Three Way Conferences

Next week is another interesting and busy week for us in 6A.

On Tuesday, we have a our Three-Way Conferences.

Please note that your child still comes to school on Tuesday.  They will be doing interactive activities that day together.

The purpose behind these is to allow an honest and positive discussion to take place between parents, the student and the teacher.

Sometimes goals will be set during our discussion, but only if it is authentic.

If we force children to set goals for themselves, they are seldom achieved.

We have been reflecting this week on how we perceive ourselves as:

- mathematicians
- readers
- writers

and how we are developing our self-management skills.

These will be shared with you next week during our conference and may bring out some goals your child might have identified in wanting to achieve.

In case you missed it in the ISL newsletter, here is the link should you want some more information about it:


International School Assessment

Next week, we will be doing the ISAs.   

These are a snapshot assessment of where your child may be at in terms of their literacy and numeracy understandings and skills.

Just so you know, our schedule in Year 6 is as follows:


Writing A- Story

Maths Part 1


Maths Part 2


Writing B - Persuasive

Please try not to put any pressure on your child about these.  

Your child should see them as they really are - a learning experience and not a 'test' they will be judged upon.

It is recommended that your child has a relaxed home life and gets plenty of sleep so that they can feel positive as they do them.

You will receive the results of the ISA in May.   The reason is they are posted to Australia and the writing sections are assessed by person and not computer. (Glad its not my job!)

Should you have any questions about these, please don't hesitate to ask.

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