Thursday 11 February 2016

Enquiry into the Action Cycle

Organisations allow people to come together to take action.

The past week and a bit, we have been enquiring into ways people take positive action and why they might choose to do that.

This sparked excitement amongst us to also take some action so that is what we have been focusing upon.

To help us think about what we could do, we began brainstorming ideas of different ways we can take action that makes impacts on own lives, our family, our classmates, our school community, our local community and globally:

We then explored types of action cycles and created our own by using an example of different steps and why they need to be taken.

After organising the steps into our own action cycles, we shared and discussed these with our peers:

We continued finding out different ways we might feel passionate about taking action and have started forming groups and creating ideas.

For this learning experience, our key focus will be understanding how an action cycle works particularly focusing on the elements of CHOOSE  ACT  REFLECT.

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