Thursday 14 January 2016

Unit of Inquiry: Organisations allow people to come together to take action

Today, we held a mock United Nations meeting to try to help resolve the real life conflict of damming the Mekong River.

This helped us to understand the frustrations and difficulties an organisation like the United Nations experiences when trying to help resolve international conflicts.

The children were very knowledgeable and passionate in trying to persuade their points of view.

The link to our reflections with photos are on the link below:

Reflections Link: each student wrote two reflections so scroll down to the bottom to read the second lot


This afternoon, we had two guest speakers visit us from the NGO Humanian which takes action in developed countries to assist with communities meeting the Geneva Convention of the Rights of the Child.

During this, we learnt about what the Rights of the Child are and ways an NGO such as Humanian takes action.

Some of us felt inspired by one of the guest speakers who told us the reason he decided to work for this NGO was because when he was 11 years old, he heard how 40 000 children under 5 years were dying in the world daily and he wanted to take action to help combat that.  Today that figure stands at approximately 19 000.  In our class discussion, we were in two minds about that. On the one hand, we were glad the figure had more than halved but on the other, it is still an incredible amount of children.  


As a lead in activity to what NGOs are, what they do and what their purpose is, we each selected two images of NGOs from the internet.

Using the image, we reflected on what we felt it helped us to understand what NGOs are and do.

We then shared our chosen images and read what others in our class perceived about NGOs.

Next week we still enquiring into NGOs in much more depth.....

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