Our new unit of inquiry explores the central idea:
Organisations allow people to come together to take action.
To help us investigate the central idea, we are using the following lines of inquiry:
FORM: different types of NGOs
FUNCTION / RESPONSIBILITY: roles and responsibilities within NGOs
FUNCTION / CAUSATION: the action NGOs take and why
REFLECTION: how we know if NGOs are effective or not
In our unit we will be finding out what the United Nations and NGOs are and what they do to take action in our world. Details about our excursion to Geneva where we will visit the U.N and the International Red Cross/Crescent museum will be sent home to you in a few weeks.
In the meantime, if you or anyone you know works with an NGO and would be willing to visit Year 6 as a guest speaker, could you please send me an email? Having guest speakers greatly deepens are inquiry and usually have a profound impact on our children's understandings.
As a lead in provocation yesterday, we imagined we were small countries trying to develop by building a tower out of straws etc.
To read some of our reflections on what we learnt from this experience (and to see more photos) click on the link: Lead in Provocation Link
In literacy, we are focusing on persuasive language techniques and finding out how to write persuasive texts in writing.
In our reading programme, we are being encouraged to create a balance of reading/discussing books with a partner or a small group in class in addition to individual reading. Two great books have been recommended to the children to read during our unit which highlight true stories of people taking positive action in our world:
In maths, our new unit is exploring the measurement of area and perimeter lengths. We will also be expanding upon skills related to multiplication and division for number.
Should you have any questions about our programme, please don't hesitate to ask.
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