Saturday, 28 May 2016

Primary Sports Day 3rd June

Primary Sports Day - 3rd June

Please see the information email from Mr Skewers, the PE Teacher below for more information:

Dear Parents,

Primary Sports Day for Years 4, 5 & 6 will take place Friday 3 June 2016 on the ISL Campus. The school has decided to change the venue for the sports day this year for the following reasons:

·       °   ISL was unable to secure the Vidy sports facilities for the dates that we requested.

·      °    Since the facilities were not available it gave us an opportunity to bring sports day up to campus and in line with the rest of the school, Primary and Secondary sports days.

·       °  Sports day was traditionally at Vidy due to the lack of facilities that ISL had on their own campus in Pully and then initially in Le Mont; however, we now have exceptional facilities that we can use here at ISL.

·        °  By having it on campus we are able to set up new activities for the students to participate in since the logistics of transporting equipment will be easier.

·        °  Hosting it at Vidy has become an unnecessary cost.

·        °  The gym teachers are looking forward to having more of a sports day and not just an athletics day.

·       °   We will have greater flexibility if the weather is poor to reschedule the event or have activities indoors.

·       °   We also gain contact time with the students by not having to bus the students down to Vidy

Students will be placed in four separate teams that will compete for points throughout the day in seven different events and team competitions. Each team has a colour and students are strongly encouraged to wear as much of that colour on sports day. Feel free to accessorize with head bands, socks or baseball caps. Your child has been instructed on which team they are on. Parents are more than welcome to come to the field and sports hall to cheer on their child.

Team colours are; Zeus- Blue, Hercules- Red, Hermes –Yellow, Athena-Green

Children should have a water bottle, hat, sun cream, sunglasses, shorts, t-shirt and sport shoes.

Cafeteria services and recesses will occur as normal.

I am still searching for parent volunteers to help facilitate events. No sport experience needed. Please e-mail me directly at if you are available to help.

8.30 Classes as normal for years 4, 5 & 6
10.15 Years 4-6 assemble on ISL Football pitch and competitions begin
11.35 Recess
12.05 Lunch in cafeteria for 4, 5 & 6
12.35 Competitions resume
15.20 Closing awards ceremony on the field
15.40 End of the school day

Class and Event Schedule:
Please click here if you would like to view a detailed schedule of the events.

I look forward to seeing you at this year’s Primary Sports Day.


Tom Skweres

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Diamante Poems

Last week, we learnt a new type of poem called diamante poems.

We published one we were particularly proud of to share with you.

We hope you enjoy them:

Diamante Poem Link

Maths is everywhere- even on our faces!!!

Maths is Everywhere- Even on Our Faces!!!

That's what was written on the board as a provocation starter.

What do we think this means?

- We can measure the lengths of features on our face.

- We could measure its area.

- We can compare the sizes of things on our faces.

- We could count the number of hairs on them.

Some nice ideas to warm up our minds.

To begin, we drew a 3 minute sketch of our partner's face:

In visual arts, we been exploring drawing techniques and in particular learning to draw with our eyes instead of our hands. We have been exploring how we should try to look at the object more than the paper, but when it comes to drawing a human face that seemed more challenging to do than other drawing experiences we've been doing.

Still, this served the purpose well.

What is the shape of the human head?  

- ovally

Is it wider at the top of the bottom?  

- hmmmmm

Look at your partner's head.

- It's wider at the top.


So we draw a more realistic human head shape.

The human face is made up of fractions, ratios and proportions.

Look at your partner's head. From the top of the skull to the chin where are the eyes placed?

- a third

- a half

- nearly a half

The eyes are half way.

So we sketched a line dividing the head in half and drew the eyes there.

We continued doing this with the nose, then mouth. Each time looking at our partner to determine the fraction or proportion.

As we continued, we discovered by looking at our partner's head each time and then sharing these other fraction /proportion relationships:

° You can fit 5 eyes across the face. So to draw the eyes in the correct place, we divide the space into fifths and then draw the eyes in the 2/5 and 4/5 place.

° To draw where the mouth ends, we draw an imaginary line a third of the inner eye. That's where the mouth ends.

° the mouth is half way between the nose ending and the chin ending

° the neck line joins where the end of the eyes are

° the ears begin at the halfway mark and three-quarter mark (where the mouth is)

In determining these, we practised closing one eye as we have discovered previously whilst sketching to help see an object in 2D rather than 3D (more maths!!!).  

We also practised holding our thumbs up as a measurement tool for sketching proportions ( MORE MATHS!!!!!)

We practised these new maths discoveries of the human head for about 5-10 minutes.

When to close, we redrew our partner's face. This time with our new mathematical understandings and compared the two drawings.

Most of us felt our second drawing was a much better likeness.

Before & after mathematical understandings with practise sketchings:


Monday, 9 May 2016

Swimming Programme

Swimming Programme

  • Our swimming programme begins next Wednesday 18th May
  • See the information below from Mr Goldsworthy- your swimming teacher

Dear Parents,
The swimming programme for Year 6 will start the week beginning Tuesday 17 May 2016. Your child will swim twice a week as detailed in the table below:
Time:   13:00 - 14:30
Wednesday 18th May
Monday 23rd May
Wednesday 25th May
Monday 30th May
Wednesday 1st June
Monday 6th June
Wednesday 8th June
(Ardeche Camp)
Monday 20th June
Wednesday 22nd June
We will travel to the Mon Repos swimming pool in the school bus.
Swimming is viewed as an integral part of our physical education program; therefore, all children are expected to participate.  If there are special circumstances and your child is unable to participate you will need to provide a letter of explanation to the homeroom teacher.
A short note about equipment: the swimming pool has rules that we must respect, so please can I ask you to bear the following in mind:
1)      All children with long hair must wear a swimming hat or tie it up with a strong hair band. (If you don’t have one, may I suggest getting a silicone hat. These may cost more; however they offer great value for money, as they keep the hair in place, last a long time and need very little care.)
2)      Boys shorts have to be above the knee when wet and not loose fitting. Girls should also wear tight fitting one piece swimsuit.
3)      Please note that the pool does not allow the wearing of t-shirts.
Please note, there will be no swimming on the 18 May 2016 as ISL is hosting the ADSIR swimming competition at Mons Repos.
Swimming hat and costumes may be purchased from the school shop. This is open from 14.30-16.00 on Tuesdays.
Thank you for your continued support.
Yours sincerely
Nigel Goldsworthy

Monday, 2 May 2016

Poetry: The Great Wave Off Kanagawa


Today we experimented with different ways to structure poems to convey feelings.

We used Hokusai's Woodprint: The Great Wave Off Kanagawa as inspiration for our poetry writing.

Read Our Poems Here